RigoHR Engage

Employee Engagement, Appreciation and Feedback

Workforce is changing. GenZ do not work only for pay, they look for organizational culture and work environment. 

All work and no engagement makes workplace toxic. Start a culture of Happy and Healthier Workplace through RigoHR Engagement modules.

Engagement helps you to make your team feel belonged to the organization, appreciated for the their effort and make them heard through feedback 

RigoHR Employee Engagement

Engage your Team

Let's Promote Happy and Healthy Workplace

Appreciate Good Work

Initiate a culture of appreciate each other for good deeds done by the team member. All work and no appreciation makes the work dull. Team members feel good to receive appreciation while the management can spot leaders and people who go a mile extra for their team.

Listen to Feedback

Hearing team’s voices in the form of constructive feedback and suggestion can bring innovation and life to your organization. Start a culture of listening to your team – what they have in mind and how everyone can contribute to the organizational success.

Address Grievances on Time

Many times employees cannot approach directly to you when they do not feel good regarding what is happening to them or around them. Through RigoHR, team members can report their grievances with their name or anonymously without disclosing their identity.

Learn more about Employee Engagement in RigoHR