Increase Performance through Learning and Development

Every business is unique in its nature and working style requiring special skills.

Introduce Learning and Development to impart requisite skills to your team and upgrade their knowledge and skill for better employee performance and overall business outcome.

Easy and Integrated Learning Management System

Better way to develop your team

Design Engaging Courses

Design and Create Learning Course with easy to use modern course creation interface. Courses can be grouped into categories and different options can be defined like private or public, passing score, course rating and due dates. Easily embed video, audio, files or presentations for engaging course content. 

Assign and Track Progress

Assign courses to selected or publish courses to all the employees who want to take the course. Courses can be mandatory or optional. Managers can review employee progress from admin portal. Ranking throughout the organization or relevant branch based on employee score is visible to managers and employees.

Course Quiz and Certificates

Insert course quizzes at the end of each section or at the end of course to check your team’s understanding. Quiz attempt can be restricted to restrict trial and error guess. Beautiful course certificate is presented at the successful completion of the course and the recorded is added in employee profile as well.

Key Features

Course Management

Learning Experience


Learn more about Learning and Development in RigoHR