Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Rigo and RigoHR

Rigo is a Sherpa language word. Sherpa language is spoken by Sherpa community in Nepal. Rigo means “Summit” or “The peak of a Mountain”. In Rigo logo, you see mountain peak and upward arrows.

Rigo specializes in Human Resources Management system. Human Resources Management System includes HR Software and Payroll Software among many other things related to people operation in an organization. Rigo is the one and only company in Nepal that works only on HR Software Platform. 

Rigo is the best and most widely used Human Resources and Payroll Management Software among Nepalese enterprises, banks and NGOs.

RigoHR is the Next Generation Human Resources Management Platform built in Nepal by utilizing the latest HR trends and technology. It is a user-friendly system built for every kind of business that wants to leverage technology to better mobilize its people. The system is an end-to-end solution that covers hiring to retirement including day to day employee management, Personal Record, Payroll, Shift, Task, Field Tracking, Travel, Expense, Loan, Advance, Performance, Learning, Goals and KPI. The primary focus is on employee Learning, Performance and Development.

Employee self-service with easy-to-use mobile app and contextual help and legal reference is one of the best part of using RigoHR where employees can interact with the system and make the best-informed decision.

There is no other true alternative in Nepal that compares with Rigo in terms of end-to-end HR coverage and quality. Some other low end alternatives to Rigo provide limited record keeping and very limited operations. They do not compare to Rigo.

At Rigo, we know what we are doing. We have professionals as part of the core team and we work closely with the community of HR Professionals. We do extensive research in the field before introducing features and follow international best practices. We build systems that help organizations set a standard in HR and be compliant with the law. We build usable systems with special attention to user experience. On top of that, RigoHR is fast, accurate and very easy to use.

Rigo has vast experience in the HR domain. Having worked in the area for more than 13 years with the best brands in Nepal, we can proudly say RigoHR is the Best HR Software in Nepal. 

On the other hand, most of the HR software vendors in Nepal supply low grade software built without adequate knowledge of Human Resources Management domain. They build software without enough research and planning. Most of the companies close their operation within a few years failing to make a sustainable business (low price to beat the competition which ultimately kills themselves and they usually have a single point of failure in terms of manpower – the person who was building the system leaves the organization and rest of the team do not know what to do)

If you see the latest trend, many organizations who initially choose competition for cheap price have been switching to Rigo when they realized the perils of choosing cheap and unusable products increases their cost in the long run. See why Rigo page for more information.

Rigo is recommended for every organization with people working with them. Currently majority of Nepal’s Commercial Banks and Financial Institutions, Corporate Groups, Non-Profit Organizations, Multinational corporations, Manufacturing Concerns, Hospitals, Audit Firms are using Rigo Human Resources Management System.

Yes, RigoHR is a cloud application that runs in browser. You do not need to invest in IT Infrastructure in your organization to run RigoHR. It runs through your browser. RigoHR Mobile Apps are available in both iOS and Android phones. Rigo takes care of application management, system security and backups. It is a worry-free system served from the cloud.

Rigo uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud infrastructure and services to provide the best experience to its customers.

Rigo is a highly accurate and completely reliable system.

There are critical calculations in Human Resources Software involving Taxes and Financial figures. The legal provisions update annually via the Budget and Finance Bill. Rigo has internal team of Finance Professionals including Chartered Account who take care of the legal provisions in timely manner. They verify the calculations and figures for every scenario before releasing the updates and patches.

The system is built on solid service-oriented architecture and uses world class cloud service providers. It has a very competent and qualified Dev Ops team to manage and monitor the system. You can stay worry-free and focus on organization productivity and performance.

Rigo follows secure development practices to design, develop and maintain the system.

Security is taken very seriously at Rigo. We continuously test the system during development, deployment and post deployment. We have an internal security team and we also get the system audited by independent external security auditors periodically.

It is the only HR Software Company in Nepal who has system Aduit and security professionals in its team with CISA and CGEIT professional qualification with years of experience in Information System Audit and IT Governance.

Rigo is ISO-27001 certified company and therefore we have a security culture built in our organization and we are committed to protect our customers information.

The following packages are available in RigoHR

  1. Grow for Small Sale Organization
  2. Premium for Big Organizations
  3. Enterprise for Large Corporates and Group Companies

RigoHR is available as a subscription. Unlike the traditional pricing model, you do not have to invest a huge amount of money in procuring the software.

You can subscribe to the software, which starts from Rs 250 per employee per month and goes up to Rs. 500 per employee per month based on the package you choose.

Check our Pricing Page or Contact us for your specific need and we’ll send you a quote.

It depends on the employee data you have in your HR Department. Most of the time consumed during implementation is collecting, updating, and cleaning the employee data.

Where data is readily available, you can get up and running within a week. We suggest implementing the system in a phased manner where you work on basic functions first and work on other areas after implementing the basic functions. The typical time to implement the system in a typical organization is around 4 weeks.

Yes, absolutely. RigoHR is the best HR and Payroll Software for Nepalese organization without a doubt. Our customers, HR Managers, Line Managers and People who use RigoHR say it. Ask for a demo and you will see it yourself.