Information Security and Security Assurance is RigoHR’s top priority. RigoHR is designed to be secure, developed securely and deployed securely.
Data entered into RigoHR platform is the property of the customer and customer is the one and only ultimate owner of the data entered into the platform. To further strengthen this philosophy, a new feature has been introduced which will make support easy and assuring.
Whenever a user needs support in RigoHR, the user can initiate a secure support mechanism and invite RigoHR support representative to provide support.

Customer initiates a time limited support request to RigoHR customer success representative.

When RigoHR support representative accepts the support request, user sees who is providing support and needs to generate a one time unique support access code and provide it to the support representative. Without the code the support representative cannot access the system.

Once the code is shared with the support representative, the support representative gets limited access to the customer system via support representative secure login protected by his/her secure login, 2FA and Secure Code.

Once the connection is established, the user can extend the time, if needed, or terminate the session before the end of the time. At the end of the designated time, the support session automatically terminates.

There are certain critical functions that the support representative cannot access or change, e.g. changing roles, creating users..

User can view the activities of the support representative and what changes were made to the system. The support log remains in the customer’s system for later review, too.